Tuesday 2 October 2018

Reflection on Assignment 4

Looking at the criteria for assessment at HE level 4, I would asses my submission for assignment 4 as follows:

Overall, I think I am showing signs of improvement despite the limited time I had available to complete this section of the course. This time would rate my overall performance as good/average (C). I am confident that with continued improvement in part 5 of the course, as long as I meet my final deadline I should be able to achieve a passing grade.

Development of technical and visual skills

I would evaluate myself as a C overall in this area - I have made quite a bit of progress in the learning of techniques in part 4 so I think I have developed good technical skills however, design and composition is the area in which I still lack confidence

Quality of Outcome

Again I think a C (Good/average) because my work is well presented and I am increasing my competence as a printmaker. I am also showing evidence of judgement by changing tack and trying a different approach when it is clear that a technique isn't working for me. 

Demonstration of creativity

C - good/average. I am showing some independent judgements and there is some evidence of my personal voice in the work at this stage


C- good/average. I have looked at a broad range of materials in preparing for this assignment. Unfortunately owing to time constraints I have not had time to write up everything that I have looked at, read and experienced so far - I am therefore confident that I can improve on this next time. 

I am looking forward to the challenge of part 5 - I've made a lot of progress (since starting off as a complete beginner) but I want to really move forwards in all of the above areas of endeavour before I complete the course.

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