Tuesday 6 September 2016

Research Point: 'Coursemates'

Before you get started, see if you can find any learning logs (blogs) online by other OCA printmaking students:

Below are links to some of the learning logs of fellow OCA printmaking students that I have found. Some I found just by using a search engine and others from looking at the 'course mates' section of the OCA website. 
During my Drawing course I found referring to other students' blogs both helpful and inspiring. However I did have to use self discipline just to occasionally look at them for reference. There was always the temptation to look at what other students had done before attempting a project - this is not necessarily helpful. In the end I found it was better to attempt exercises first and look at others' work afterwards. There is also sometimes disappointment when students who you find inspiring withdraw and their blogs are left incomplete. 
Following other students' blogs can help to alleviate the sense of isolation that comes with distance learning. In addition there are a number of OCA student groups on social media. I used the 'OCA sketchbooks' group on Facebook a great deal during my previous studies and will continue to do so. I have also joined the "OCA printmaking' group on the same site. 

The top two blogs on this list are by Sue Parr and Steve Cussons. I have communicated with both these students online and have met Steve on a couple of occasions via Study visits. (Steve was also our OCASA rep last year). Sue very kindly shared a link to her blog when I was considering starting the printmaking course. 

I am sure that I will be looking at these blogs on many occasions during the course. 











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